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Acupuncture: And Alternative Medicine

Acupuncture is an alternative medicine methodology originating in ancient China that treats patients by manipulating thin,solid needles that have been inserted into acupuncture points in the skin.
According to Traditional Chinese medicine, stimulating these point scan correction balances in the flow of qi through channels known as meridians.
According to recent study, Acupuncture stimulates PAG (Periaqueductal gray), RN (Raphe nuclei), RF (Reticular Formation). The human body secretes endogenous morphin, encephalin, dynorphin, that reduce pain symptoms. Acupuncture can reduce the level of inflammation of joints, tendon, fascia, ligaments.
The effectiveness of acupuncture can be applied widely from musculoskeletal to internal diseases.
Migraine, Tension, Headaches, acute and chronic sprain of joints, neck stiffness, shoulder pain, back pain, cervical and lumbar radiculopathy, osteoarthritis, stroke rehabilitations, facial palsy, functional dyspepsia, Irritable Bowel syndrome and many more are treated effectively by acupuncture.
There are many types of acupuncture treatment.
Heated-acupuncture is a variation form of acupuncture that adds heat on the top of the needle to further reduce inflammation of tendons and ligaments.
Areas that make use of heated acupuncture are all kinds of ligament injuries, tendonitis and sprained ankles, wrists, lower back, tennis elbow, golf elbow etc.
Electro-Acupuncture is a form of acupuncture where a small electric current is passed between pairs of acupuncture needles. Another name is Percutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation. By inducing low frequency electric current, the nerves and muscles are stimulated to reduce pain and to enhance rehabilitation. The most common use of electro acupuncture is for pain control and rehabilitation especially after a stroke.
Electro-Acupuncture is good for stroke rehabilitation, lumbar radiculopathy, cervical radioculopathy, and chronic pain, arthritis, etc.
Cupping therapy
Cupping therapy is an ancient form of alternative medicine in which a local suction is created on the skin; practitioners believe this mobilizes blood flow in order to promote healing.
Suction is created using heat (fire) or mechanical devices (hand or electrical pumps).
Nowadays it is used to reduce local pain and stimulate muscles and ligaments.
The cycle of pain flows as below:
Painful event leads to trauma. Trauma makes inflammation which induces pain, and pain makes reflex muscles contract. Reflex muscle contraction creates restricted movements which in turn causes bad circulation increasing pain and spasms in the body.
Local stimulation of cupping is useful to relax these contracted muscles therefore reversing the process and reducing pain. Yet again, safety and hygiene are given key importance at every treatment and disposable cups are used.
Acute and chronic sprain of ankle and lower back, neck areas, lumbar and cervical radiculopathy. Neck stiffness, shoulder pain, back pain are treated by Cupping therapy.
Moxibustion is a traditional Chinese medicine therapy using moxa, or mugwort herb.
It plays an important role in the traditional medical systems of China (including Tibet), Japan, Korea, Vietnam, and Mongolia.
Suppliers usually age the mugwort and grind it up to a fluff; practitioners burn the fluff or process it further into a cigar-shaped stick.
It can be used indirectly, with acupuncture needles, or burn it on the patient's skin. Heat created by burning of moxa promote blood circulation and bowel movement.
It is used for constipation, chronic diarrhea, indigestion, functional dyspepsia, chronic gastritis, and menstrual pain, functional infertility, etc.
Infertility, functional dyspepsia, menstrual pain, pre menstruation syndrome, constipation, diarrhea, Irritable bowel syndrome are treated by Moxibustion.
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