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Unrevealed Secrets of an Effective Weight Loss Diet

Of all countries, the United States has the highest rate of obesity problems. Too much weight amplifies the risk of health problems such as hypertension, heart disease, gall bladder disease and diabetes amongst people. Losing weight is not an issue instead keeping it off could be challenging. Controlling calorie and fat intakes, staying active and changing behaviour are keys to effective weight loss diet.
The effective weight loss diet and permanently maintaining it over-time is a moderate calorie and fat intake. Calorie needs simply differs from person to person depending on their age, gender, BMI, stamina, physical condition and most importantly the person's activity level - all plays a vital role in determining how much calories does a person need in a day. Here are some simple rules to lose weight in an effective manner at the individual level:
• Avoid consuming carbohydrates that are in white like rice, bread, pasta, potatoes etc.,
• Limit energy intake from total fats and sugar,
• Avoid consuming ice creams and chocolates,
• Increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables,
• Engage in regular physical activity,
• Consume at least 25 grams of fibre daily such as almond, spinach, apricot, beans, blackberries, broccoli and so on.,
• Most importantly, drink plenty of water every day.
According to the recent survey, successful weight loss maintainers in-take low fat and low calorie content everyday. They also intake plenty of water and unsweetened drinks everyday because thirst is sometimes confused with hunger. They also consume foods that are high in water like soups and so on. Some successful dieters eat 6 to 8 times a day in order to attain and maintain weight loss. Also, they start their day with breakfast just to workout in the gym. Physical activity burns calories, raises metabolism, and helps you lose body fat. Staying active also promotes a sense of well-being and has beneficial effects on HDL cholesterol. It is advisable that if you are overweight or have any other health problems, just consult with your doctor before starting an exercise and diet programs.
In addition, most successful weight losers walk at least 5 miles per day. They also limited watching television to about 10 hours per week which could be said as a typical American habit. Even though many fat diet books promise and provide a lot of tips for quick and effective weight loss diet, they are usually difficult to continue for both long and short period - and not nutritious as well. Initially, the fact is that people may lose weight initially but often regain it very soon. For more than two years, fat diets have a very low success rate.
So, it is always recommended to lose weight slowly and effectively. This approach is more practical and gives dieters the chance to gradually settle into their new lifestyle and weight. Meanwhile, you could also focus and work on changing your eating habits and improving your lifestyle as well. For instance, make yourself control not to eat when watching television. Another instance is, go for a walk or call a friend instead of eating cookies. Apart from everything, taking personal responsibility for losing weight and believing you can succeed are important factors in losing weight.
For more information about weight loss tips visit:

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