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Weight Loss Foods - How to Pick the Right Ones?

Losing weight is mostly a matter of making correct food choices and being active enough to be able to tip the scale in the right direction. But how do we pick the foods that are going to help us maximize the results? Let's analyze some of the more common and some of the less obvious criteria for choosing the best weight loss foods.
The single most common criteria is probably low fat content of a certain food. Well, it is hard to argue with this one, the lower the fat content of a certain food, the better off you will be as far as losing weight is concerned. The only thing I "disagree" with here is that this should be the only deciding criteria (which is the only thing people seem to be looking at). What I mean is, one should always look at the entirety of a certain foods' qualities and only then decide whether this can still be a good weight loss food or not.
How much sodium/salt does a food contain should be the next criteria. The lower the sodium/salt content of a certain food, the better the food. I use the terms sodium and salt interchangeably since (table) salt contains sodium. By ingesting too much sodium with our foods we force our bodies to retain more water than it is necessary for normal functioning (because the excessive sodium needs to remain diluted). Water retention means more body weight and it should go without saying that salty foods are an enemy to any weight loss effort.
Lower calories-per-volume should in my opinion be on the top of the list. In my experience, the higher the volume of foods allowed to eat during dieting periods, the better the chances are for a person to stick to the weight loss program. The best weight loss foods can be eaten in large quantities while still allowing us to keep our calories in check. The best weight loss foods based on this criteria can be found among fruits (because of high water and fibre content) and even easier among vegetables.
Higher taste-to-calorie ratio is completely made up, but it can still help bring my point across. What I mean here is that the best weight loss foods will taste good even though they contain very few calories. Celery for instance has a near perfect calories-per-volume ratio, but the taste part could use some improvements (at least for most people).
The best weight loss foods will be really good (if not perfect) at satisfying all of the four criteria.
To learn more about some of the foods that are best at satisfying all of the four criteria you can start following me (Rok Sprogar) at

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